Theology In Pieces

46 - How Coffee Can Save the World with Evan Iluzada and Greg Ward

Slim and Malcolm Season 2 Episode 46

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Can coffee really save the world?  Shouldn't we be allocating our time to ministry instead of business?  Why is the church missing this?! 

Tune in to hear the 2024 Roasters of the Year and  owners of Bridge City Coffee discuss why Coffee is this beautiful fruit that has the potential to do far more than keeping you awake.  This product, this way of doing business, the people they can employ, all has the potential to extend the garden mandate and do something 'good' in the world. 

Listen for ways to connect your work to God's work.  Stay to nerd out on coffee.  But be prepared for this week's terrible tweet.  Slim engaged.  Then he was told he serves Satan because he stood up for David French. 

Roaster of the Year Article.

Bridgecity instagram : @bridgecitycoffee

Or if you're in waco - @bridgecity_waco

the PCA's Tweet.

Slim's Response.

A Summary.  (PCA cancels anti-polarization panel with David French for being too polarizing) 

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